Spiritual Living — Art journal
How to use journaling in your spiritual practise

Do you keep a journal as part of your daily self care practise? And if so....what do you use your journal for? Recording tarot readings? A gratitude journal? Morning pages? A bullet journal to organise your day? An art journal to experiment creatively? .....Whatever it is, one of the reasons that I love journaling so much is because there is no right or wrong answer to this question. There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Journaling is entirely down to personal preference and what works for you. You can also combine and different methods together to suit yoru practise and in this...
Illuminating the Blocks

Healing the wounds of our past.
Art journal Healing Mantra Positive Mindset

Pillar of Light- art journal painting
Art journal Mantra Positive Mindset