This week I've been thinking a lot about path and purpose.
"Learning to trust it.
Learning to walk it.
Learning not to run from it
Or rebel against it.
Learning to surrender to it,
To sink into it.
Learning to learn from it
And be guided by it."
Lets delve into some card pulls to see what our message is about our own path this week.
Choose your cards!
"Learning to trust it.
Learning to walk it.
Learning not to run from it
Or rebel against it.
Learning to surrender to it,
To sink into it.
Learning to learn from it
And be guided by it."
Lets delve into some card pulls to see what our message is about our own path this week.
Choose your cards!

This weeks reading comes in 3 parts!
Focus, Insights, Actions.
This is to help delve a little deeper into your current situation and what you need to do to move forwards in a positive way.

(Deck used; The Wild Wood Tarot)
What is the focus of my current situation?
1- Amazonite- The Seer
Are you using your INNER power? Don't forget that strength comes from within and things are first birthed inwardly before they can manifest outwardly.
Trust the vision you have. You are always being guided so keep taking time to tap into this little inner voice, these little nudges! Trust your intuition.
2- Amethyst- 4 of Stones
All the things you've been seeking are within your grasp! Just don't be fooled by the illusion of the material world. Possession and control can very quickly kill a dream, pulling you off course!
You may feel battered by this constant sense of derailing but know that all you need to do is pull yourself back on track again. Protect your dream, not your fears!!!
3- Turquoise- The Great Bear
Hello beautiful truth seeker! It's time to leave all the chaos behind you and rise to a whole new level! Remember there is always cause and effect, action and resistance, a sense of turmoil and clarity.
It's time to be honest with yourself, no more excuses. Let go of the illusions. There's only one way to go now and that's forward, into the unknown!!!!

(Deck used; The Inner Star Oracle by Jo Klimt, @thedarlingtree)
What is the underlying issue?
1- Amazonite- Take the next step
1- Amazonite- Take the next step
Don't be afraid of the next step, don't put it off or let this build into a mountain in your head that feels far too big to conquer.
You can do this and it all starts with one small step. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".....don't let the whole journey overwhelm you. One step at a time is all you need! As you take a step forward more details and opportunities will be revealed to you. Your beautiful path is unfolding as we speak!
2- Amethyst- Challenge yourself
What have you been putting off? It's ok to try new things, to push yourself out of your comfort zone (this is often where we find the most growth!!!)
What has been nudging you or calling you to try? Perhaps it's time to be brave and do things differently! Answer that call!
3- Turquoise- You are stardust
Yes you are!!! Don't forget your magnificence, the amazing beautiful being that you are. By remembering your essence, that fact that you are actually made up of energy....that same energy as the stars. There is nothing you cannot do but first you need to believe in yourself.
Those stars are there for you and each one carries a wish. If you keep focusing on negative thoughts then these are the wishes that are attached to those stars. Start consciously creating positive wishes. Imagine and visualise them as much as you can!

What action do I need to take moving forwards?
1- Amazonite- SacredWild Soul
'There is magic all around us if we only choose to see it!' Are you currently seeing the glass half empty or half full? Are you thinking from a place of lack or feeling whole?
This might not seem like it makes much of a difference but this perspective changes everything!!! If we act from a place of lack we are spending our energy there and inviting more lack into our lives. If we act from a place of feeling full, fulfilled, joyful and excited then we are inviting more of that energy into our lives!
Which one are you choosing?
2- Amethyst- Abundance
'A sense of accomplishment, can you feel the excitement within? Time to celebrate!'
You might feel a world away from this vibration but this card is calling you out and willing you to come back to this place of abundance. Don't forget that abundance is actually a mindset and has very little to do with our outer world.
Are you seeking abundance in material objects or through inner emotion? If you've been left feeling empty inside you are being called to do the inner work. Find your inner happiness, your inner abundance. Start by focusing on all the things that are going RIGHT! You are so lucky in so many ways- celebrate that right now and sense how your inner world shifts!
3- Turquoise- Feeling Gratitude
Such a simple and easy step .....so easy that we often completely overlook this and forget about it. Simply feel gratitude. Feel it as often as you can, feel it every day. Start a gratitude journal of you feel called to do so but make this part of your every day routine!
A grateful heart is the super power that opens you to a world of possibilities!
I hope you found this weeks message insightful!
See you for another reading next week!
Zoe xx
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