Are you ready for this weeks Monday Magic?
Choose your cards and find your message BELOW!
Quartz, Amethyst or Turquoise?

Decks used; The Sacred Creators Oracle by Chris-Anne from @pixiecurio.
What do you REALLY want?
& Finding Balance.
We sometimes get so lost in our day-to-day lives that we forget what's really important to us. What is it that we really want at the core of it all?
This week we are being called to find some sacred balance between the things we need to get done in our physical world and the things that we really want to be doing!
See if you can make time for BOTH on a daily basis. We we honour what we really want it creates massive positive mindset shifts. So don't ignore the things you really want to be doing any longer. Time to make space for them to nourish your soul.
2- Amethyst.
What does your Soul say?
& Elements Water!
This week we are being called to go inwards and really pay attention to our emotions. How are you feeling? What are these emotions telling you about the bigger picture?
A simple way to look at this is to follow the feeling of expansion. The things that make you feel good, feel excited, joyful, expansive, light, like you could fly. These are the feelings you should follow. On the other hand the things that make you feel heavy, dense, tense, stressed and small are the 'bad' feelings that are telling you something is wrong here.
These emotions are your soul showing you the way. If it feels good, it's a door that is ready to be opened. If it feels bad then it's a door that is ready to close and move on from or at the very least needs a shift in perspective in order to move forward in a more positive way!
3- Turquoise.
Befriend the word polarize.
& Hope on the Horizon.
Sometimes we need to be strong and courageous enough to walk our own path.
Our unique path can often cause friction in others, whether this is jealousy, anger or just being misunderstanding. By showing your unique self, by truly being you and not what others expect from you, you are honouring your true spirit and rediscovering who you really are.
We all move at different rates along our path. Whilst this may create resistance in some people, the deeper you move into this shift, the more powerfully you begin to become a magnet for the people who are ready to hear your message. Just by following your path and letting the magic unfold you will inspire others who need your story to be the catalyst that makes them want to create positive change. To show them that it can be done, that they too can shift.
So hold onto that torch of hope and become the torch of hope for others.
How can you step more deeply into your own unique path?
Grab your journal and your favourite deck and lets dive a little deeper into this weeks message.
Here is your question...….either use your journal to tease out some answers or pull a card to reveal some hidden depths about this topic!
Deck; the Questions Deck by Sacred Wild Soul
I hope you found this weeks message insightful!
See you for another reading next week!
Zoe xx
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