Spiritual Living — FREE weekly card readings
What are you struggling with? Here's this week's Free weekly card reading!
Card Readings FREE weekly card readings

Welcome to this weeks card reading! . Choose your set of cards- 1,2 or 3? . __________________________________ 1- 4 Swords & Shine your light. Time to look inwards to your own inner flame. You have everything inside you that you've spent so long searching outwardly for! Now is the time to slow down and face your inner demons and reconnect to your light! . _______________ . 2- The World & Growth You literally have the world at your fingertips! Whatever you've been doing keep doing it, keep going. You are on a roll. Don't give up now, you...
A message about your PATH & PURPOSE- Free Weekly Card Reading
Card Readings FREE weekly card readings Positive Mindset

This week I've been thinking a lot about path and purpose.."Learning to trust it.Learning to walk it.Learning not to run from itOr rebel against it.Learning to surrender to it,To sink into it.Learning to learn from itAnd be guided by it.".Lets delve into some card pulls to see what our message is about our own path this week. .Choose your cards! . . This weeks reading comes in 3 parts! Focus, Insights, Actions. . This is to help delve a little deeper into your current situation and what you need to do to move forwards in a positive way. __________________________________ . (Deck...
Free Weekly Card Reading- What messages do the cards hold for you this week?
Card Readings FREE weekly card readings

Free Weekly Card Reading- A message from your Higher Self
Card Readings FREE weekly card readings

This week I've been contemplating the connection we have to our HIGHER SELF and learning to listen and pay attention to the messages it has for me! . So grab your favourite deck and your journal and lets get started with this week's card reading! . What messages do this weeks cards have in store for you? . CHOOSE YOUR CARDS! . Decks used; The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans of The Wild Unknown. An my Tarot size Sacred Oracle. . __________________________ 1) The Hermit and The Seed! Solitude, new beginnings and meditation! . A call to focus inwards,...
Free Weekly Card Reading- Coming back into ALIGNMENT
Card Readings FREE weekly card readings