This weeks message around SETTING INTENTIONS

Card Readings FREE weekly card readings

Sacred Wild Soul journaling and setting intentions

This week I have been working around the concept of setting our intentions.
The idea that our thoughts and actions are always manifesting through our intentions. Words are powerful. 
What we believe to be true is powerful.
....but these things can also create a glass ceiling which keeps us stuck, unable to reach that next level!
This week's cards look at where our current intentions lie and what we need to focus on in order to shift through this glass ceiling.
Choose your cards....

Free Card reading of the week sacred wild soul intentions

Cards revealed below

Full free card reading the enchanted map oracle and sacred wild oracle

Decks used; The Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron-Ried, and my Tarot sized Sacred Wild and Soul Searching Oracle deck.

Cards Revealed!
1- Priorities & Slow and Steady.
"Slow and steady wins the race". We often feel a sense of urgency, that we need results NOW or we're not heading in the right direction.....when actually the truth is that consistency is key. Move with ease and a steady heart and trust that this calmer pace will actually reap greater rewards!
Simplifying your rhythm can create amazing results! So where does your focus currently lie? Are you trying to juggle too many different aspects or projects? Time to get very clear with your focus, keep it simple and stay consistent with your actions!
2- Free spirit & Magic Stream.
Time to let yourself dream- and dream big!!! Your wild free spirit is a force of nature- naturally fuelled by the forces of abundance. Nature in its own right will keep growing, regenerating and will always take back it's land, it's space if left unhindered to do so. It's time to tap into this unstoppable energy. Weeds can flourish in your garden and produce the most beautiful wild flowers. Time to flourish like the  beautiful flower that you are!!!
"Dare to dream and take a leap of faith towards it." As you do so trust that you are tapping into your natural flow of abundance. Nature is your ally. It has so much to teach you so it's time to start listening. Remember that nothing is separate, it is all connected in the intricate fabric of life! One action or idea leads to another so when we dream big we start to create new momentum for ourselves....into the magic of manifesting!!!
3- Authentic Self & Talisman.
Stop scrolling as start getting back into the flow of your own authentic being. What feels most exciting to you right now? What ideas a flowing through eager to be brought to life? Stop comparing yourself to what other people are doing- this will only result in you watering down your magnificence!!! Ignore the actions of others and start owning your path!
You have all the experience you need. The road you have been walking with every twist and turn, every up and down has taught you so many lessons. You can now see the pitfalls coming, see the hurdles to dodge. Use this to your advantage and carve your own creative path!!!!
 This weeks Card Spread!
Try out this week's card spread for some deeper insights into how you can shift your current mindset through clearer intentions!
Questions deck card spread tarot spread
I hope you found this weeks message insightful! 
See you for another reading next week!
Zoe xx

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