FREE Weekly Oracle Reading! Choose your cards!!! Oct 22nd 2018.

Card Readings FREE weekly card readings

Welcome to this weeks card reading!!!

Find your own personal message by choosing a set of cards, either 1, 2 or 3.
Keep scrolling to find your message!
Choose your cards sacred wild soul card reading
Decks used for this weeks reading include;
As well as the gorgeous Wild Unknown Tarot deck.
Messages Revealed!!!
Card reveals free weekly oracle card reading
1- Surrender & The Fool
Surrender to the adventure of life. Get into the flow of spontaneity, of being in the moment- just like a child! Letting go of the worries of what could have been and what is yet to come. Be free in the NOW!
This week your mission is to embrace the Sacred Now! Really try to pull yourself out of your head and into the present. Notice the beauty of the world around you. Connect more fully and completely to the people in your life (don't keep glancing at your phone every 5 mins, I know we're all guilty of this!) Give your loved ones your undivided attention and really learn to take snap shots in your mind of these moments. You will find they are so much easier to recall later with immense clarity!
2- The Seed & Daughter of Pentacles.
The seeds of manifestation are scattered throughout your path. Keep believing in your dreams and keep seeking abundance! Never stop learning as you go and keep growing as a person, planting more seeds of potential. Trust that they are growing, growing and coming to bare fruit. Your persistence will pay off!
Your mission this week is one of perseverance and trust. Trust that things are coming to you. Your dreams are happening even if sometimes they feel so far out of reach. Trust the process and keep working towards them every single day! Don't give up- keep watering those seeds!
3- Shine your light & 3 of Wands.
Envision the possibilities of the future. Remember that you are only limited by what you believe..... So ask yourself what DON'T you believe is possible for you right now? Don't let these thoughts dim your light, your path, your passion!
Your mission this week is to let yourself DREAM! ….and dream BIG! Stop thinking 'realistically' and let the possibilities unfold before you. Tell the Universe you are ready to receive even greater gifts and stop thinking that certain things are out of your reach. Time to level up your life and your inner belief system with it!!! Yesss!
This weeks Mindset Card Spread!
I also pulled some cards from the Questions Deck in order to dive deeper into the energies of this week and really help to uncover what is holding us back, helping to untangle our mindset.
So grab your favourite deck of cards and try this spread!
Questions deck card spread layout
I hope you found this weeks message insightful! 
See you for another reading next week!
Zoe xx
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