Spiritual Living
Midweek Mindset- Opening to the shifts.
Card Readings Journaling Midweek Mindset Positive Mindset

. Be open to the shifts and allow more magic to happen! . Healing happens in layers. It's not as simple as A+B=C. Once we commit to tackling that first layer we begin to unravel so many hidden aspects. The mind, body and soul connection becomes evident! . The more healing work we do, the deeper we go and the more layers reveal themselves to us. . And yes sometimes this can feel like things are getting worse before they get better. Really what is happening is that this deep inner work is bringing you back to your truth and...
Free Weekly Card Reading- Coming back into ALIGNMENT
Card Readings FREE weekly card readings

This weeks message around SETTING INTENTIONS
Card Readings FREE weekly card readings

This week I have been working around the concept of setting our intentions.
The idea that our thoughts and actions are always manifesting through our intentions. Words are powerful.
FREE Weekly Oracle Reading! Choose your cards!!! Oct 22nd 2018.
Card Readings FREE weekly card readings

Welcome to your FREE weekly card reading!
Find your own personal message by choosing a set of cards, either 1, 2 or 3.
New Morning Prompt Oracle in the making- perfect for beginners!
Card Readings Dealing with Emotions Journaling Oracle